How much does a polar bear weigh?

Enough to break the ice.

Hi, I'm Evan Brandoff.

Startup founder, podcaster, public speaker, and most importantly, dad

Some Companies I've worked with

Completely Unbiased Testimonials

Evan’s good looks are only matched by his hard work and enthusiasm

Avi Rafalson

Second best friend
behind Zubin Teherani

Contrary to popular belief Evan is an excellent athlete, no matter whether the sport is bowling or golf. Also appreciates a chicken parm like the best of em

John Yarchoan

and former roommate

Evan can solve literally any problem and can do absolutely anything. His creativity, commitment to self improvement, loyalty to his friends and family, and goofy yet sensitive nature make Evan one of a kind. Plus he’s got the voice of an angel.

Erica Feldman

Better half,
mother of children